(Click covers to enlarge)

Samtaler Om Elvis Presley
Ulrichsen, Stig (2022)

Lindhardt og Ringhof , Denmark
paperback , 244 pages
ISBN-10: 87-28-30058-0 , ISBN-13: 978-87-28-30058-9

Category: Memoirs and memories
Language: Danish
Description: Stig Ulrichsen has crossed the Atlantic to talk to some of the people who were closest to Elvis Presley, and who can draw a detailed and touching portrait of the world's first and biggest rock star. They tell about the man behind the myth, about Elvis's struggle to live up to the expectations of the outside world and the image that was created for him. Stig Ulrichsen talks to, among others, Elvis' tour producer Charles Stone, Charlie Hodge, who performed with Elvis, and the actress Cynthia Pepper, who played in "Kissin' Cousins" with Elvis and thereby became very close to him.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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