(Click cover to enlarge)

Ser Elvis, Una Vida Solitaria
Connolly, Ray ; Pérez Galván, Ana (2021)

Alianza Editorial , Spain
paperback , 440 pages
ISBN-10: 84-1362-452-5 , ISBN-13: 978-84-1362-452-5

Category: Biographies
Language: Spanish
Description: Spanish translation of "Being Elvis". Veteran rock journalist Ray Connolly offers a career review of the most famous singer of popular music, setting him not only under the garish neon lights of Las Vegas, where he concluded his career, but also in the context of the American South, in the poor neighborhoods where Elvis grew up and trained. musically nodding to underground blues concerts, frequenting churches where he was listening to gospel and learning to play guitar between country and hillbilly tunes. Through interviews with musicians who knew him personally, such as John Lennon, Bob Dylan, BB King, Sam Phillips and Roy Orbison, among many others, Ray Connolly achieves one of the most nuanced and mature portraits written to date of the cultural phenomenon that It was Elvis Presley.
Source: bookdespository.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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