(Click cover to enlarge)

Elvis Lebt!: Der Fall Des Verschwundenen Starlets
Rain, J.R. (2013)

paperback , 262 pages
ISBN-10: 3-938293-33-0 , ISBN-13: 978-3-938293-33-1

Category: Novel
Language: German
Description: Elvis Presley faked his death. He is now 74 years old and, after undergoing massive facial surgery, lives a humble life as Aaron King. He's almost broke and lives in a small apartment in L.A. Luckily, he turns out to be a talented private detective. He is hired to solve a mysterious missing person case. A young aspiring movie star seems to have vanished into thin air. And as Elvis gets to the bottom of the matter, he meets all sorts of shady characters: a dying bum with a dog, a twin with a very dark secret, and a shady Hollywood film producer. He puts the puzzle together piece by piece, and along the way he is preparing his comeback. In the end, he finds himself surprised on stage by a person the King of Rock never in his wildest dreams expected to appear.
Source: Amazon.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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