(Click covers to enlarge)

Elvis Gratton - Le Livre!
Falardeau, Pierre ; Paulin, Julien (1999)

Alain Stanké , Montreal (Canada)
hardback with dust jacket , 117 pages
ISBN-10: 2-7604-0625-3 , ISBN-13: 978-2-7604-0625-4

Category: Deceptive titles
Language: French
Description: English title: 'Elvis Gratton - The Book!'. The story evolves around Bob Gratton and his passion for Elvis Presley. Gratton's life goal is to win fame as an Elvis impersonator, and he achieves it through a local TV talent show contest whose prize is a cruise to the fictional island resort of Santa Banana. After his return from Santa Banana Gratton is called on to don his Elvis costume one more time, but because he has gained weight in the interim, he has trouble fitting into it and collapses on stage during a performance, seemingly dead. At the end, just as Gratton's casket is taken for interment Bob emerges from it, quite alive. The story was also released as a movie, in which Gratton was played by Julien Poulin, who co-wrote and co-directed the film with Falardeau.
Source: book back cover.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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