(Click covers to enlarge)

The Stars We Wrecked
Kalis, Milan (2015)

DonnaInk Publications
paperback , 222 pages
ISBN-10: 1-939425-87-5 , ISBN-13: 978-1-939425-87-4

Category: Novel
Language: English
Description: A beguiling story of espionage and its relationship with the entertainment industry. Penned in Slovakian, translated to English. This is an extremely interesting glimpse into intrigue and its far-reaching initiatives, such as Elvis. 'The Stars We Wrecked', takes readers on a journey through the would-be lens of an undercover operative performing clandestine work intended to guide Elvis Presley's selection of music and resultant performances to the betterment of the Nation. A fictional testament to the dark-side of fame where politics and personalities warp time and space relative to the talent craved by millions. Using Elvis Presley as an example, Peter - a field agent on a mission to foster sociologically aesthetic musicians - approaches the King to gain his trust. The goal: elevate the minds of listeners. This is a conceptual narrative where the sociological paradigm of entertainment and fame and its resultant fan-pop enter the political and clandestine operations machine. Who will win?
Source: Amazon.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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