(Click covers to enlarge)

The Jewish World Of Elvis Presley
Kline Chartock, Roselle (2020)

Independently published
paperback , 276 pages
ISBN-13: 979-8-6866-0444-5

Category: Religion
Language: English
Description: Elvis and Jews: At first glance these two words may not seem to go together. But the truth is that, despite growing up in a fundamentalist Christian family in the Deep South - an area sometimes known for its anti-Semitism - Elvis Presley nevertheless developed a deep affinity to Jews. This book contains answers to two questions: What accounted for this deep affinity? And what was the nature of the personal relationships Elvis developed with the Jews he befriended in Memphis - including merchants and members of his inner circle, the Memphis Mafia - and those he met in the music and movie industries? In this vivid description of Elvis' Jewish world -- that also reflects his humanitarian and philosophical interests -- Roselle Kline Chartock, a Professor at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, reveals a little-known side of this rock 'n' roll icon, including Presley's own Jewish heritage. There is within this book ample evidence that Presley's personality as well as his musical gifts were, in part, shaped by his Jewish world.
Source: Amazon.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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