(Click covers to enlarge)

Elvis '77: O Ultimo Ano
Cecon, Waldenir (2022)

Elvis Presley's World Fan Club , Brazil
paperback , 328 pages , 23 x 16 x 1.8 cm , 0.506 kg

Category: Biographies
Language: Portuguese
Description: What happened to Elvis in his last year of life? Until recently, there was a vacuum of information about some months of 1977, such as July and the beginning of August. These were weeks when the king had no commitments and was secluded in Memphis. But with book releases by people who were close to Elvis, such as his hairdresser Larry Geller and Elvis' last girlfriend, Ginger Alden, we got a glimpse of what went on in that period and others in 1977. Everything they wrote depicts the true? It may or may not, but we are not here to judge that. In Elvis 77: The Last Year, you will have in your hands, more than 300 pages reporting everything that is known until today, of what happened to Elvis from January to August of 1977. Only the events of his death and the days after, are more than 100 pages. It still brings up what happened at Graceland in the days after Elvis' death, how some members of the Memphis Mafia were fired, Vernon's struggle to bring the bodies of Elvis and his mother to Graceland, the legal fight between Colonel Parker with Priscilla and RCA, etc. In addition to all this, the book also features several photos of the time, in black and white and in color, some of which are rare, such as those of August 16 at Graceland. Elvis 77: the last year for sure is and will be a source of research for many Elvis fans in Brazil about what happened to the king of rock in his last year.
Source: www.elvispresleybrasil.com, uiclap.bio/elvisbooks
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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