Social interests:

Among other things, I'm active in the Digitale Burgerbeweging Nederland. This is the dutch equivalent of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. I think the information network now evolving has tremendous possibilities but the treaths formed by the violation of privacy and restrictions to consumism need to be conquered or else 1984 will come true in the end.

I'm also deeply concerned about the mindless following of religious points of view. Those believers thinking for themselves are OK but otherwise the conservatism and intolerance embedded in most religions is frightning. My examples are the shooting of abortion doctors in the US or the fatwa against Salman Rushdie by the late ayatolah Chomeiny.

My ideas about a society are such that primarily nobody is allowed to restrict the freedom of other people and secondary everybody is allowed to do whatever they want. More can be found in the Privacy group of DB.NL.

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