GIMP 2.0.1. screenshots

These screenshots show of some of the GIMP's photo editing capabilities, although the GIMP is by no means limited to such tasks.

The US photos are in the public domain and can be found at The picture of the sailboats is copyright of TigerT.

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This postcard in waiting has one disadvantage: a human hand controlling the cute baby seal. Luckily, GIMP has a clone tool that helps to make such 'blemishes' disappear. Photo Credit: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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As can be seen in the Levels tool's histogram, dark shades are entirely absent from this photo, resulting in a 'flat' image. A perceived blue hue was also corrected. Photo Credit: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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The crop tool is the appropiate instrument for cropping a picture. In order to get something printable, though, the rectangular selection was used with a 2:3 ratio, and the QuickMask to preview the result. Photo Credit: Tigert.

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Selections were combined to create a quick balloon. Text tool options used: text centering, blue colour, font selection. This is a possible follow-up picture to the clone tool example. Photo Credit: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

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First, a black background layer was added and moved to beneath the photo layer. Then, a layer mask was applied to the photo. Finally, a circular black to white gradient was applied to the layer mask, resulting in this vignette. Photo Credit: US Fish and Wildlife Service.