Yellow-legged Gull L. michahellis

This first-winter Yellow-legged gull was photographed on 3 March 2001 near Wijster in the Netherlands. The bird does not show the 'typical' contrasting pale head and underparts but is in every other respect a 'classic' 1st winter YLG.

Click HERE fore a paler (and therefor more classic) YLG

The bird shows contrasting 2nd generation scapulars (double anchor), almost evenly dark-brown lesser and median coverts (not chequered as in most Herring), unmarked dark tertials with narrow pale edge worn of on most and dark primaries.

 In the pictures below the (very) dark underwing, white uppertail with the contrasting black tailband (typically a bit tapered near the edges) can be seen. In the upperwing the greater coverts are chequered on the inner and almost unmarked dark on the outer. The bird, again typically, shows almost no wingpanel.








Rudy Offereins

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