Hummel, Carl

BORN 31 Aug 1821, Weimar, Thüringen - DIED 16 Jun 1907, Weimar, Thüringen
GRAVE LOCATION Weimar, Thüringen: Historischer Friedhof, Poseckscher Garten

Carl Hummel was the son of the famous composer and musical director Johann Nepomuk Hummel. His mother was the opera singer Elisabeth Röckel. His family was friendly with Goethe and as a child he often played with Goethe's grandchildren. Friedrich Preller gave him drawing lessons and together they travelled to Norway, the Netherlands, Tirol and Italy. He used his travel impressions for his paintings.

In 1845 he married Alexandra Völckel. After his marriage he travelled not as much as before and his paintings focussed more on his surroundings. He was very popular in Weimar and his work was known outside Weimar as well. He continued working until his death in 1907.

• Father: Hummel, Johann Nepomuk

Related persons
• was pupil of Preller, Friedrich


The grave of Carl Hummel at the Friedhof vor dem Frauenturm, Weimar.
Picture by androom (21 May 2006)


Hummel, Johann Nepomuk

Published: 19 Nov 2017
Last update: 20 Jan 2022