Nöggerath, Johann Jacob

BORN 10 Oct 1788, Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen - DIED 13 Sep 1877, Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen
GRAVE LOCATION Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen: Alter Friedhof (Abteilung V, Grabnummer 241)

Johann Jacob Nöggerath was educated in Cologne. He started his career as a commisioner of mines in French serivice at Ourthe. In 1815 he obtained the same position in Prussian service.

In 1818 he became an associate professor at the new University of Bonn and in 1822 he became a full professor of mineralogy and mining sciences. In 1828 he dined with Goethe in Weimar on his way back from Berlin to Bonn.

He also became the director of the university's natural history museum. He brought an important collection of minerals together and was well respected as a teacher. He died in 1877 in Bonn.

Related persons
• visited Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
• has grave monument designed by Küppers, Albert

20/10/1828Nöggerath dines with Goethe. He was on his way back to Bonn from the Verein der Naturforscher in Berlin and he was very welcome. He told Goethe about the mineralogical circumstances in the area around Bonn. [Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von]


The grave of Johann Noeggerath at the Alter Friedhof, Bonn.
Picture by Androom (17 Jun 2012)


Winkler Prins Encyclopedie (editie 1909), 1909
Jacob Nöggerath – Wikipedia

Noir, Victor

Published: 24 Jan 2016
Last update: 10 Mar 2022