This page is dedicated to my faith, my religious belief.

I'm a Christian and I believe the bible to be the word of God.

The next three chapters from the bible sumarise my religion.

In the first chapter you can read how God created the world. I don't know if this happened millions of years ago or just 10,000 years. I do know that it is in the power of God to have created the world as if it was millions of years old, including, oil and fossils. But I think he took his time making this earth, as time does not have the meaning to God it has to us. Every day I see the wonderful life around me, the birth of a newborn, the flowering of a plant or the song of a bird I marvel at the wondrous works of Gods Hands. When God made this earth it was good. There was no sin or pain, animals or plants didn't die or kill each other. In Genesis 3 you can also read that man wasn't content with the wonderful world as it was then, but wanted more, wanted to be God, and thus rebelled against Him. At that point paradise was taken from the world, and sin, death and pain entered it.
In Romans 3 you can read that since the rebellion of man in paradise, there is no man who is rightious. There is none that does good. We are all ready to do sin, hurt others, lie, steal, or sin against any other comandment from the law of God. As God is a rightious God and sin cannot be before him, we are all doomed.
In John 3 you can read how God sent His only son, Jezus Christ, to this world, to die in our place and thus with His blood pay for our sins, so that anyone who believes in Him, may not be doomed but have everlasting life.
God cares about us. I know he does. I experience it everyday. The light and warmth I experience in my life come from Him. Without Him I could not do anything. With Him I'll defeat the greatest foe; Satan and death.

You can find more about the bible (probably there's a version in your own language at The Bible Gateway.

If you can read Dutch you can find my friends religous belief here.

Church Goers Live Longer!!

Home | This page was last update april 27th, 2003 by Kees Aleman.