The chainsaw masacre!

Cut those trees down and set them afire!

Note: This deck is ALL _common_ !!

Fast, real fast mana:

Fast and Big critters:

Inflate your (already big) critters and burn!

You didn't know you could easily summon a 7/6 critter on your seccond turn? Well, here's the formula:

Version 1:

    1. 1. Mountain; Tap it; summon an Orcish Lumberjack.
    2. 2. Forest; Tap it; summon a Tinder Wall; tap the Orc and sac the Forest: 3 green mana in your pool. Summon two more Thinder Walls. One green mana remaining in your mana pool. Tap the Mountain and sacrifice the three Tinder Walls: 8 mana --> Summon the 7/6 Scaled Wurm on your seccond turn!

    Version 2:

    1. 1. Forest: Tap it; summon a Tinder Wall; sac it; summon 2 Orcish Lumberjacks.
    2. 2. Forest; Tap both Forests; Tap both Orcs and sac both Forests: 8 mana --> Summon the 7/6 Scaled Wurm on your seccond turn!
