Of evolution...

It started with something so great, so dense,
Yet simultaneously so small, so invisible,
As to be incomprehensibleto Mankind's sense.
Then, uncontainable and uncontrollable, it's energy wild,
Came explosive transformation into so much matter
Of dimensions unimaginable to Mankind's sense.
Then came the cooling, and formation of patterns
Systematically grouping and balancing forces:
Each single system still tied, yet separate from another.

It started from something so small, so invisible, in union
Yet potentially so great, and so powerful,
As to be a great mystery to Mankind's sense.
Then, developing and diversifying, it's realm enlarging
Started a slow evolution into such large beings
That are still not understood, despite Mankind's sense.
Then came improvement, and, while still elementary,
It began to adapt, and increase it's ability:
Each single species, still primitive, but complementing another.

It started with a being so simple, so dependant
Yet so considerably advanced from it's beginning
As to be recognisable to Mankind's sense.
Then, it's intelligence, agility and intuition developing,
Came the formation of Man in his own communities
Not always acceptable to Mankind's sense.
Then came advancement, study and achievement
Requiring communication, but giving rise to misunderstanding
Each single group living similarly, yet competing with another.

It started with Neanderthals, hunting in groups
Yet each member defending his own share of the kill
Which is quite understandable to Mankind's sense.
Then came the development of order and regulation
And the concepts of manner and acceptable behaviour
That is today just normality to Mankind's sense.
Then, horizons ever-widening, technology rising
Came about the use of weaponry, and vast explosive arsenals
Each single country safeguarding itself from another.

It started with a simple defence of territory
But grew with feelings of suspicion, jealousy and greed
As to be uncontrollable by Mankind's sense.
Then, subversion and intrigue undermining all structures
Came such violent, torrid and bloody aggression
As to be abhorrent to all Mankind's sense!
And as the explosions finally ceased, the globe lifeless,
Started again the cooling, the solidifying of wreckage
Not so different in form from that which started it all.

Epilogue: (the Sun)
It began with matter and energy so concentrated
And expanded to infinity with such intensity
As to be unmasterable by Mankind's sense.
Then, realisable, and partially harnessable
Man developed it's uses, and varieties
Commendable, indeed, to Mankind's sense.
But then Man's senselessness, beginning his very end
Blew away the foundation upon which he had grown.
Man can learn from this - but he has to live, to learn...

Or maybe, repeat the performance, a millenia from now?

FCTG : 27/3/84

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