the Driver and the Dreamer

The Driver: Who knows the way?

Whatever has been done, by other's influence, by direct initiative
Just done, by others or ones'self, in history, bearing such meaning
Unconciously impacting upon what he's doing at this moment
Does not matter, the Driver is always busy, but unimportant, as usual

The Driver always looks forward, the mirror is but an image of decay;
Must look forward to greater challenges, further mountains to climb,
The better to face and accomplish what He knows Living demands
On the only way forward along the distant stepping-stones of Life:

The Driver must never allow one slipped footstep along the way,
Because he will, he knows, reach the next milestone:
And once arrived at that stage, will determine the way
Towards the next, higher, never-ending route

But maybe the Driver is a dreamer -
How does the Driver win if he dreams at the wheel?

F.C.T.G. : 8/7/91

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