A New Door Opening

A door is opened ...

The sudden realization of a need to create,
Yet faced with that vacant space to fill:

What a challenge confronts one!

Knowing one has some ideas and emotions,
Not being able to place or picture them;

Then still picturing them, and not able to express them;

Then finding how to express them but not in what form;

Realizing the frustration and wanting to communicate,
Even knowing what to communicate to whom,
But thinking one lacks the tools, insufficient in ability,
Staring at the resultant black hole, yet not empty
Of unachievable, yet definable, wishes.

This all is what must be comprehended if one can gain the courage
And achieve communication with the occupants of that space.

An audience awaits...

And I think for the first time in all of my life
After so much support and encouragement from others
That I have gained a necessary confidence in myself.

I'm looking through the frame right now;
I shall walk through that doorway.

FCTG : 20/12/98.

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