
Beyond grasp...

When all you've got going for you is engineered
And Logic is the prime resource that you draw upon
How do you manage to live with the realization
That what you have falls short of your desires
And that you still yearn to bring into reality
That which is beyond your grasp even in your dreams?

When all you see before you is a life of disinterest
Destined forever to be shared with people
Who do not even begin to understand your ideas
And cannot join with you in entering new spheres
What do you do - accept the present, the status quo?
Or destroy what you have pretended to build?

The answer, so far, has indeed proved far too elusive
But there may yet be truth in the old verse
That talks of known and unknown devils.
Yes, it is very easy to remain still, yet so hard
To live on in an artificial home. The outlet is merely
To pretend that the World is truly a Stage...

The real solution demands more courage than I am made of,
And I realise that I will never share the experience
Of Life with true comradeship and meaningful love.
But one still yearns - not to live on, empty...

FCTG : 9/11/86

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