Arriving at a Point

Arrival at a Point.

When you feel it, and yet deny it
Even while it's so obvious,
And in some strange way, logical
When it's so close, so very clear
Why not accept reality as it is
And face up to taking the next step ?

You refrain, and ask such questions as:
"How did it happen, unbeknown to me,
How did it reach this point?"
Or, "But it developed so quickly,
How can it really be true?" And still
You say that you know not what to do.

Are you really at that stage
Where the next step is your decision?
You fully realize that in Truth you are,
And you realize, in perspective, that
All the while you try, it doesn't happen
And when you don't, it seems to come naturally!

But you still sit alone, drinking wine,
Wondering if your interpretation is wrong,
Or if your wishes and desires, suppressed,
Are distorting your vision on reality
And leading you down non-existent paths
Toward a false and unreachable equilibrium.

Through it all, you see there must be something,
Even if you pretend not to realize it;
Your weak defences have been penetrated
By that which you did not really guard against.
You must finally appreciate that it is impossible
To ride on the winds of tomorrow or in yesterday's womb.

Isolation is impossible, and yet this, the last verse
I cannot write, for I would be revealing my very being
And all would be able to see me for what I am.
You see, I can never afford to admit
Even in pleasure, or in drunkenness,
To being as subsceptible, so sensitive, so human

As I might be...Regards,

FCTG : 10/8/87

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