The Science of Superheroes by Dean Koontz

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The Science of Superheroes
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Author: Phil Parks
Release date: September, 2002
Media: Hardcover
ISBN: 0471024600

Okay - but fairly light on actual science.

This was a fun read - but it had several problems. When the man (Dean Koontz in this case) writing the introduction says he doesn't read comics, I began to get worried. It would seem to spell trouble if a book on comics couldn't get an intro writer who was at least knowledgeable about the subject matter.

Second - the section on Mutants talks about mutation in general, but enre really applies it to actual mutant powers in the comic books - there is no attempt to talk about the plausibility or implausability of mutations causing super powers.

Then, that same chapter ditches science for an all out attack on creation scientists. Now, creation scientists deserve most of what was said here, but this book seemed an odd soapbox for that attack. I was expecting yet another brief, amazingly general and popular explanation of science as it relates to another comic book concept - and instead we get a "Creationists [are bad]..." diatribe. It was out of place and inappropriate.

Overall, it's an okay book, but I doubt it will ever be a classic. - an Amazon customer review

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