Reflections of a Siamese Twin: Canada at the End of the Twentieth Century by John Saul

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Reflections of a Siamese Twin: Canada at the End of the Twentieth Century
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Author: John S. Saul
Media: Hardcover
ISBN: 0670870994

Disappointing and full of false myths

The main problem with the book is that the author tries to artificially build a "Canadian myth", which unfortunately does not exist. The author does not realize that Canada has never been a fully sovereign country, altough the author timidly admits the colonial attitude of our political and economic elite. His attack on the "cult of the hero" is baseless and shallow. He does not realize that heros and great figures shape the destiny of a nation. A country without great men who can be emulated by its fellows is doomed to fail. Also, his almost gratuitous bashing of carefully selected politicians and political ideologies make us wonder if Ralston Saul is indeed a serious thinker or a cheap left-leaning propagandist. The other flaw I found in the book is the overemphasis and quasi-glorification of little trivial events in Canadian history that has absolutely no bearing in the balance of world history. The author pointlessly attacks the "monolithic culture" of France, Britain and the U.S., without admitting the legacies of these cultures to human progress. - an Amazon customer review

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