Compleat Crow by Brian Lumley

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Compleat Crow
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Author: Brian Lumley
Release date: June, 1986
Media: Hardcover
ISBN: 0932445225

A Must-Have for Crow Fans

A collection of short-stories revolving around his Lovecraftian Hero Titus Crow, this book is classic Lumley!

We get a much wider view of Crow in these stories, learning not only how he came to possess his abominable Cthaat Aquadingen, but also how he came to be involved in this mysterious world from his very infancy!

Lumley's penchant for Numerology can also be seen in these tales, as well as his characters' penchant for smug invincibility!

If you like Lumley or Lovecraft, or simply enjoyed the Titus Crow novels, you owe it to yourself to read these marvelous tales! - an Amazon customer review

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