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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How can I move the frames around?

Please check The drag bar

How can I bring up the configuration screen?

Per default, you can click the top left button, called Cfg, to bring up the config screen. If this button does not exist (e.g. you have hidden it or assigned a different action to it), you can use the slash command "/clickheal" to bring up the config screen (type /clickheal in the chat window).

CT Raid Assist (CTRA) integration is broken! Not all mouse buttons are working!

This problem comes in various flavors, described below:

I already raised this on the CTMOd site and hope that it will be fixed in one of their next releases. To add weight to this request, you might want to point this out on their boards too.

Which spell will be taken in a spell group (HOT, SLOW, ...)?

Always the best spell in the spellgroup is taken. E.g. always your highest ranked Regrowth. For the SLOW heals of the Priest, which can be either Lesser Heal, Heal or Greater Heal, the highest one is taken, depending on which ones you have.

Spell finetuning?

ClickHeal fine tunes your spells, to maximise casting time. This is, that if you want to cast a spell onto a player which cannot/should not be cast (is already affective), ClickHeal will chose a good substitute for you. This to maximise your healing afforts by not losing any casting time. To see how spells are substituted please check the appropriate helppage.

But I do not have any HOT/Fast Heal spells yet!

If you do not have a certain spell, it will be substituted by an appropriate one. E.g. if you do not have HOT yet (Rejuvenation, Renew), your "normal" heal spell will be taken, which you get with level one. This spell with its highest rank of course.

How does PANIC work? How is the PANIC spell selected?

First, ClickHeal finds out who is in healing most. It does this by checking the health of each party member and then assigns them into categories: none, fair, poor and critic, from least to most wounded. This category depend both on the health of the player and the class (e.g. cloth wearers are assigned to the critic group earlier than plate wearers. When this is done, click heal determines which spell to cast. For this it again checks the condition (none,fair, poor, critic) and depending on this, it selects the most approriate spell(s). The more wounded, the faster spells (or shields) are selected. So for example a mage in critic condition will first be shielded and then flash healed, until he is no longer in the critic group.

To get a feeling how all this works, just try it our on yourself or when there is no real imminent danger. This feature can give you a good headstart when push comes to shove and the hell is breaking in onto you, or in other tight situations.

See also The PANIC button for additional info.

But PANIC is always casting the same spell?

Most likely you are low level and do not have a wide selection of spells yet. Then ClickHeal is limited in its selection. The PANIC button will work best once you have your slow heal, fast heal and heal over time.

Or you are of a secondary healing class (Shaman, Paladin). The spell selection is too limited for these classes for ClickHeal to do any intelligent spell selection, so the fastest heal is chosen. However, you still have the benefit of targeting the most wounded player.

My debuffing/decursing is not working!

You must have the "decursive" AddOn ( installed.

My female char suddenly makes a male aaaarrgghh noise when hit!

Please check out the Notify section.

How can I target a unit!? When I click a unit, ClickHeal always casts a spell!

By default you can target a unit by CTRL-LeftMouseButton clicking it. You can reassign the this by choosing the action 'Target' from the mouse assign dropdown menu.

Cannot heal myself! Every time when I try to heal myself but have targeted a friendly player, it heals that player instead!

This is most likely caused by an addon, which is not correctly hooking the WoW function CastSpellByName(). The best way to fix this is to find the "offending" addon and inform the author about that fact. If this is not possible, you can disable "Use new self-cast mechanism of World of Warcraft" in the Config Tab

I developed an Addon and would like ClickHeal to take care of clicks. Can I do that?

Yes, you can. Please check out the API section.

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