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Assigning spells and actions to mouse buttons

Assign process and screens

Assigning spells and actions to mouse buttons is one of the core functionalities of ClickHeal. Above is a sample screen of spell and action assignment. Spells can be assigned to below categories:

Friendly These spells will be cast or actions be taken when clicking on a friendly or neutral unit. This is the player button, the players pet button, the buttons containing the party members and their pets and target buttons, when a friendly or neutral unit is targeted.
Enemy These spells will be cast or actions be taken when clicking on an enemy unit. This is a unit in one of the target buttons, which is hostile towards you.
PANIC This is for clicking in the PANIC button, the big blue one. These spells are untargeted (group heal, quaff potion).
Extra1, Extra2, Extra3 This is for clicking in one of the Extra buttons. These spells are also untargeted (group heal, quaff potion).

Spell/Action assign pages are always devided into three sections. These sections are labeled "Mouse 1/3", "Mouse 2/3" and "Mouse 3/3" for each tab and contain the spell assignment pages. By clicking on the dropdown box, you can then choose which spell or action you want to assign to the mouse button, which is shown to th e left. E.g. if you want to assign "Quaff Mana Potion" to the left mousebutton while pressing the ALT key, you go to "Mouse 2/3" page, lookup "AltLeftButton" on the left, click the dropdown to the right of it and select "Quaff Heal Potion" from the dropdown. The contents of the dropdown differ per section, depending on what spells and actions are allowed or make sense. See below for an example of such a dropdown:

Assignable actions

Find below a list of all assignable actions. Some actions are only allowed in a certain context, e.g. you can only attack a unit if it is an enemy. Such actions (Attack) are then only displayed in the appropriate tabs (Enemy).

Action Allowed Description
Target Friend, Enemy Target (select) the clicked unit.
Assist Friend Assist the clicked unit.
Attack Enemy Attack the clicked unit.
Pet attack Enemy Have your pet attack the clicked enemy. If you order your pet to attack some else than your active target, this might - in some rare cases - break your auto attack/shot.
  • Hunter's Mark: Cast hunter's mark together with ordering your pet to attack.
  • None: Do nothing next to having your pet attack
Use Wand Enemy Use your wand on the enemy. This is to shoot at the enemy and probably initiating attack.
Auto Shot Enemy This will auto shot your target, like the ability/spell "Auto Shot" does. The difference is that the unit will be targeted before you start shooting, thus making auto shooting of party members target possible.
Eat food Extra Eats food, to faster restore your health. Food will be found anywhere in your bags. Conjured food is prefered, food with special buffs will never be used. The food which restores the most hitpoints will be taken. You will not eat anything if you are already at full health. TIP: To eat special buff food, use the "Use item" action and give the name of the food.
Drink water Extra Drink water (or any other liquid) to faster restore your mana. Drinks will be found anywhere in your bags. Conjured water is prefered, drinks with special buffs will never be used. The drink which restores the most mana will be taken. You will not drink anything if you are already at full mana. TIP: To drink special buff liquids, use the "Use item" action and give the name of the drink.
Feast (eat & drink) Extra Will eat and drink at the same time. For which food and drinks are taken, please see below "Drink water" and "Eat food".
Bandage Friend Bandage yourself or a friendly unit. ClickHeal will always use the best bandages it can find on you, no matter where in the bags you have them.
Quaff Healing Potion Panic, Extra Quaff a healing potion. ClickHeal will always use your best healing potion, no matter where you store them in your bags. ClickHeal checks if there is a cooldown. The values for finetuning are:
  • Prefer: What will be prefered when quaffing. This can be the potion or a Healthstone, which can be conjured by a warlock. If you choose "Highest" then the item with the highest amount of restored hitpoints will be chosen. If one of the items has a cooldown, the other will automatically be taken.
  • Limit: Here you can set the limit below which the potion/stone will be consumed. If your percentual health is above the limit, no potion/stone will be consumed.
Quaff Mana Potion Panic, Extra Quaff a mana potion. ClickHeal will always use your best mana potion, no matter where you store them in your bags. ClickHeal will check if there is a cooldown. The values for finetuning are:
  • Prefer: What will be prefered when quaffing. This can be the potion or a Mana Gem, which can be conjured by a mage. If you choose "Highest" then the item with the highest amount of restored hitpoints will be chosen. If one of the items has a cooldown, the other will automatically be taken.
  • Limit: Here you can set the limit below which the potion/gem will be consumed. If your percentual mana is above the limit, no potion/gem will be consumed.
Use Item Friend, Enemy, Panic, Extra Uses an item, which is either in your inventory (equipped) or in one of your bags. Equipped items will be taken first. When selecting this entry from the dropdown, an input frame will appear to the right of the dropdown. Here you can enter the name of the item you want to use. When the item is written in orange, ClickHeal can not find the item in your inventory or bags. If it is in red, ClickHeal can see the item. If ClickHeal can find the item, it will also automatically convert the text to proper capitalization. Note that you have to give the exact name of the item which should be used, to avoid misunderstandings.
Totem Set Extra This begins or continues stomping one of your predefined totem sets. When choosing this pulldown entry, another pulldown will appear next to it. With this new pulldown you can choose which totem set you want to drop. For creating and modifying totem sets, please see The Totems tab
Function/Script Friend, Enemy, Panic, Extra This allows you to define a custom function, script or lua code, which will then be executed when you click the assigned button. You may optionally start the code with "/script". Any valid lua code can be entered here. If this code is trigged by clicking on a friendly or enemy button, the unit can be accessed with CH_ScriptUnit.
Dropdown Menu Friend, Enemy This will bring the in-game menu, where you can select options for the unit (e.g. inspect). Note that this menu does not show up when you are not in a group!
Tooltip Info Friend, Enemy The tooltip info, containing the name of the unit, the class, level and other information. The same tooltip that you get in the standard WoW gui.
Spell Friend, Enemy, Panic, Extra To cast a spell. When clicking this entry, a dropdown box will appear next to it where you can select the spell to cast. Only spells currently in your spellbook can be selected. In another dropdown box next to it you can select the rank of the spell. If you select "highest", always the highest version of the spell will be cast, even if you advance your spell by training. Depending on what tab you are in (Friend, Enemy, Panic or Extra), the spell can or can not be targeted. If you choose a targeted spell in a non targeted section (e.g. Extra), a pointing hand will appear, awaiting target selection.
Pet spell/action Friend, Enemy, Panic, Extra Have your pet spell cast a spell (e.g. Fire Shield) or take an action (e.g. Sacrifice). The "spell" has to be in the spellbook of the pet. Note that you need to have your pet active (summoned, out of the stable) to be able to choose spells.
Chain Friend, Enemy, Panic, Extra To execute the given chain. Chains are sequences of actions (spells) to be caste one by one. Check out The Chain Tab for more info on chains.
Quick Heal Friend Casts your quickest healing spells. Which spell this is differs by class. Only shows up if your class can cast quick heal spells and blacklist will be ignored.
HOT (Heal Over Time) Friend Casts your "Heal Over Time" spell (Renew, Rejuvenation). Which spell this is differs by class. Only shows up if your class can cast heal over time spells and blacklist will be ignored.
Slow Heal Friend Casts your slow, but powerful heal spell. Which spell this is differs by class. Only shows up if your class can cast heal spells and blacklist will be ignored.
Shield Friend Shields a unit by casting your shield/protection spell. Which spell this is differs by class. Only shows up if your class can shield others. Blacklist will be ignored.
Buff Friend Buffs the targeted unit according to the settings you made in the buff section. Only shows up when your class can buff others. Blacklist will be ignored. For setting up buffs and a detailed explanation of automatic and dropdown please refer to The Buffs tab
  • Automatic: Let ClickHeal decide which buff to cast
  • Popup: Display a popup from which you can manually choose the buff to cast.
Cure/Decurse Friend Cures the targeted unit from ailments (debuffs). This only works if you have the AddOn "Decursive" installed. Only shows up when your unit has cure spells. Blacklist is ignored.
PANIC Panic The PANIC functionallity, healing the most wounded, curing ailments and/or refreshing expired buffs. Blacklists will be considered. For a detailed description please refer to The PANIC button
Buff Group Panic, Extra Will refresh expired buffs on yourself, your pet, your party members and their pets or raid members and your pets. Only one unit will be buffed per click, thus to heal the whole party (raid) you might have to click multiple times. Only units not on the blacklist will be considered, but units might end up on the blacklist. For setup of buff spells and priority, please refer to The Buffs tab
  • refresh: Refresh buffs when they are in the refresh period. This is the default setting.
  • warn time: Only refresh buffs if they are in the warn period and ignore the refresh time. Not recommanded.
Cure Group Panic, Extra Will cure your, your pet, your party members and their pets and your raid members and their pets from ailments (debuffs). Only one unit will be cured per click. For this to work you need to have the AddOn "Decursive" installed.
Config/Help Extra This action will bring up the configuration screen.
None Friend, Enemy, Panic, Extra No action will be taken when pressing the associated mouse button.


If you are one of the classes who can shapeshift (druids), use different stances (warriors) or have a different skillset depending on certain situations (hunters for bow/melee, thieves for hide), a dropdown will appear next to the "Defaults" button in your "Spell assign" screens on the Enemy tab. In this dropdown you can chose to which "layout" (stance, shapeshift form) the spell assignment should apply to. ClickHeal will then automatically detect this and will provide you with the correct layout.

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