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Missing Buffs

Missing buffs aAe displayed in yellow, missing weapon buffs are displayed in magenta and a missing tracking buff is displayed in yellow as an asterisk (*). The values for missing buffs differ per player class and are quite alot. However, they should be easily recognizable. Below the priest class as example. For a detailed list of your class abbrevation, please check the in game help, which is dynamically created for your class.

If a buff is in lower letters it is about to expire.

* Tracking buff missing (Find Herbs, Find Minerals, Track Beasts, ...)
R Rockbiter buff on weapon missing
F Power Word: Fortitude or Prayer of Fortitude missing
S Divine Spirit missing
P Shadow Protection missing
I Inner Fire missing
W Touch of Weakness missing


Debuffs are displayed in red, except the recently bandaged and phase shift effects, which is displayed in orange. Possible values are:

M A magic debuff
P Poison effect
D Desease effect
C A curse
H Unit is charmed
B Recently bandaged
P phase shifted (imp only)

Heal over time

Heal over time (HOT) effects are colored green and can be one of below. HOTS in lower letters are about ot expire.

G Regrowth
J Rejuvenation
N Renew

Power Word: Shield (PW:S)

The priest spell Power Word: Shield is displayed by a green S. The Weakened Sould effect, which acompanies the PW:S spell, is displayed with an orange S. As long as this effect is active, no PW:S can be cast. If the S is in lower letters, it will expire soon.

S Power Word: Shield active
S Weakened Soul avtive


Indicator if the unit is on the blacklist. If a unit is on the blacklist, PANIC and group buffs will not consider this unit. A unit might end up on the blacklist because it is too far away or not in line of sight.

B Unit is on blacklist

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