Configuration/default_item_names [ Variables ]


Defines the names of items that ROBODoc recognized as items by default if none are specified in the robodoc.rc file.


static char        *default_item_names[] = {
    "SOURCE",                   /* source code inclusion */
    "NAME",                     /* Item name + short description */
    "COPYRIGHT",                /* who own the copyright : "(c) <year>-<year> by <company/person>" */
    "SYNOPSIS", "USAGE",        /* how to use it */
    "FUNCTION", "DESCRIPTION", "PURPOSE",       /* what does it */
    "AUTHOR",                   /* who wrote it */
    "CREATION DATE",            /* when did the work start */
    "MODIFICATION HISTORY", "HISTORY",  /* who done what changes when */
    "INPUTS", "ARGUMENTS", "OPTIONS", "PARAMETERS", "SWITCHES", /* what can we feed into it */
    "OUTPUT", "SIDE EFFECTS",   /* what output will be made */
    "RESULT", "RETURN VALUE",   /* what do we get returned */
    "EXAMPLE",                  /* a clear example of the items use */
    "NOTES",                    /* any annotations */
    "DIAGNOSTICS",              /* diagnostical output */
    "WARNINGS", "ERRORS",       /* warning & error-messages */
    "BUGS",                     /* known bugs */
    "TODO", "IDEAS",            /* what to implement next & ideas */
    "PORTABILITY",              /* where does it come from, where will it work */
    "SEE ALSO",                 /* references */
    "METHODS", "NEW METHODS",   /* oop methods */
    "ATTRIBUTES", "NEW ATTRIBUTES",     /* oop attributes */
    "TAGS",                     /* tagitem description */
    "COMMANDS",                 /* command description */
    "DERIVED FROM",             /* oop super class */
    "DERIVED BY",               /* oop sub class */
    "USES", "CHILDREN",         /* what modules are used by this one */
    "USED BY", "PARENTS",       /* which modules do use this */
    NULL,                       /* don't delete, so we can count how many there are... */