Items/ItemLineKind [ Structures ]


Holds the type of an item line


enum ItemLineKind
    ITEM_LINE_RAW,              /* A line that does not start with a remark marker */
    ITEM_LINE_PLAIN,            /* A line that starts with a remark marker */
    ITEM_LINE_PIPE,             /* A line that starts with a remark marked and is
                                   followed by a pipe marker. */
    ITEM_LINE_END,              /* The last line of an item */

    ITEM_LINE_TOOL_START,       // Start line of a tool item
    ITEM_LINE_TOOL_BODY,        // Body of a tool item
    ITEM_LINE_TOOL_END,         // End line of a tool item
    ITEM_LINE_EXEC,             // Exec item
    ITEM_LINE_DOT_START,        // Similar to TOOL_START but use DOT tool
    ITEM_LINE_DOT_END,          // End line of a DOT item
    ITEM_LINE_DOT_FILE          // DOT file to include