Installing ROBODoc

The easiest way to install ROBODoc is to use one of the packages. There are package for RedHat, Debian, OSX, and a precompiled executable for Windows.

You can also compile robodoc from the sources. On a system with autoconfig it is as simple as:

make install

On a Windows system with VC++ you have two options. Either use the following commands in the source directory (tested under NT):

nmake -f makefile.win32

Or use the supplied project file robodoc.dws in the Win32 directory. This only works if the .dsp and .dws have the right format. Both files should use the windows convention for line-endings (cr/lf). Sometimes these get lost while zipping or unzipping the ROBODoc archive, and in that case the project will turn op empty.

There is also a makefile for Borland C, as well as for MINGW. For other compilers you might want to try makefile.plain.

You can test your executable, by going to the Examples/PerlExample directory in the archive, and running robodoc. This should create a directory called Doc. In there you should now find a file called masterindex.html.