some basic info, easy to forget... ( from Zsolt Fazekaz ) The coordinate size of a ted file (like alsace) is 4,194,304x4,194,304 expressed in default coordinate values of the ted editor. You can get this huge number in this way: The length (the same for its width) of a ted is 16 block. One block is covered by 16x16 pieces of bitmaps (the size of this level 3 bitmap is 256x256 pixels). One pixel is 64x64 coordinate unit. So: ted lenght=16(block)x16(bitmap)x256(pixel)x64(unit)= 4,194,304. (Devide it with 64, then the size of a ted file is 65,536 pixels (level 3 bitmap pixel). The size of level 2 pixel is half of the one of level 3, so the sum is 131,072.)