min and max - width and height

  • Supported by Netscape 6 and Opera 5.
  • Safari only supports max- and min-width, not height.
  • min-height is supported by Explorer 6 only for table elements inside a table with table-layout: fixed.
  • I cannot interpret the iCab test results.

    With min-width and min-height you can set a minimum width and height for HTML elements, while max-width and max-height sets a maximum width and height. These values overrule the normal width and height.

    This is the default test paragraph with width: 400px and height: 100px. The paragraphs below have the same style sheet, but each of them has a min/max declaration added.

    Test paragraph with max-width: 100px

    Test paragraph with min-width: 500px

    Test paragraph with max-height: 50px, even though I put a lot of content in just to try to stretch it a tiny little bit (which, of course, doesn't work thanks to the Power of Standards).

    Test paragraph with min-height: 250px

    This one is for Explorer 6, where only min-height works only on table elements in a fixed table. This example does not work in Netscape 6.

    TD without min-height
    TD with min-height: 500px
