Three weeks ago I finally got to do something that I had been dreaming of for years, I swam in water clothed from head to toe in a rubber suit. The children (9 and 11) were away at a summer camp for a few days and my wife and I took the opportunity to enjoy a few days camping and cycling on our own. I had been looking forward to the possibility of getting into my Aquala dry suit and had put it and my snorkeling gear in the car when we left home. On our first day we covered quite a distance with our bicycles and in the afternoon discover an old, water filled sand extraction pit which can been converted in to a 'Recreation Area'. Trees and grass had planted around the shores, a beach had been added on one side for the children and it was moderately full of people on a sunny summer afternoon. Talking with my wife about what I would like to do, we investigated and decided that if we returned at a quieter time of day and went to the shore away from the beach area we could be pretty secluded. The next morning I was a little nervous as we drove to lake, wondering what would happen if ... or ... occurred. My wife told me not to worry, I was just going to be wearing a diving suit and if anyone started asking questions, she would do the talking. When we arrived at about half past ten, it was quiet, there were only a few mothers with young children playing on the beach and we wandered to our chosen spot on the other side of the lake. With 'butterflies in my stomach' I changed into my suit as quickly as I could (always a bit of a struggle) and my wife zipped me shut. There I was, deliciously enclosed from head to toe in my suit. Perhaps rather more quickly than was required, I got into the water to provide my 'alibi' for being in my rubber suit. As I had expected, the water pressure pushed all the air between my skin and the suit upwards and as I sat there in the shallows, I gently lifted the neck seal to let it all escape. Then, together with my wife, I swam out into the lake a little way. It felt good, but I detected a minor leak from a ankle seam that had given me trouble before. I went back to the shore, fetched my snorkel, fins and mask and put them on. I returned to the deeper water and inspected myself underwater. The suit was pressed against my body nicely with the excess material in large folds. I did some surface dives to see how the suit felt with increasing depth and pressure and how deep I could get. I quickly noticed how cold the water felt once I got down a few meters (of course I only had that single layer of rubber on) and it didn't feel all that much different in the limited depth I achieved (perhaps also due to the minor leak). We were the only people swimming on 'our' side of the lake and it was quiet and peaceful. Ducks and other waterbirds were sitting on the water not so far away. All this time I wasn't (sexually) excited, the dominant emotion was one of relaxation, peace and 'nice'. After a while my wife returned to the shore to dry off and I discovered that by lifting the neck seal up and blowing in a breath of air I could create a bubble that would give me just enough buoyancy to float in the lake without moving. Utter relaxation and peace... When my wife noticed that there were mosquitoes flying around her on the bank, she suggested I finish doing what I wanted to do so that we could leave before they eat her alive. I let the bubble of air out of the suit, turned onto my front, and whilst looking at my beautiful 'rubberised' underwater body, let my sexual fantasies and masturbation bring me to orgasm. I returned to the shore, de-suited, dried off (there was that leak), redressed and we left. The next day we repeated the exercise, to my great pleasure. Looking back on the events, I am now mildly cross that we forgot to take any photos of me with my suit so nicely compressed against my body and also that I didn't spend the time and effort to capture my feelings and memories on paper when they were still fresh, as I now notice that the intensity of the memories has faded. Since then I have been dreaming and planning ways to repeat the exercise in our home area and then preferably with a number layers of rubber clothing on under my suit. How would a rubber 'butt plug' feel as I dived down? Would the increasing water pressure against the suit give a feeling of it being pushed deeper and more firmly into me? I continue to plan and dream... Who knows?... © Copyright Mark Plowman, 2003-08-12