Compiling using MSys and MinGW

Sources can be found on the following URLs:

Compiling using MSys and MinGW

I'm actually using this to do most of the development. My setup is approximately as follows: I have in my home directory a GTK directory where I unpacked the set of OpenSource libraries that I needed to compile and that are not in the default MSys/MinGW ditro. This list currently is:

Probably there are some newer ones out there, but all I really need is the headers ... To run it I always copy the exe to a directory where the whole FreeCiv is installed.

My .bash_profile looks like this:


export PATH=/home/Oscar/gtk/bin/:$PATH$
export CFLAGS="-mms-bitfields -mno-cygwin"
export CPPFLAGS="-mno-cygwin"
export LIBS="-lwsock32 -luser32 -lkernel32" 

export PATH=/home/Oscar/bin:$PATH

export PS1="\w $ "
To configure run the following command in root directory:
./ --build=i686-pc-mingw32 --prefix=/usr/local/freeciv --enable-client=gtk2 --with-included-gettext
And then run make and all should work...

Compiling using MSys and MinGW

Compiling under Linux is much easier. Just make sure you have relatively recent GTK files. Some components that are used require GTK 2.4+ (FreeCiv itself actually checks for 2.2+ I think). To configure run the following command in root directory:

./ --enable-client=gtk2
And then run make and all should work...

Last update: December 19th 2005
Oscar Scholten