Professional Speed Graphic Aero Users

Some of the professional photographers using the Speed Graphic Aero in alphabetical order.

Angel Franco Photojournalist New York Times   ***

Cho Dae Yeon ***
Gwangju University South Korea

Bjarte Bjorkum Norway- Author and Photographer * 

David Burnett Free Lance and New York Times

David Bennett Cheshire UK ***

Cory Lum Hawaii-New York Times *

Dennis Charlau Wuppertal  Germany ***

Fabrizio Maltese Luxembourg *

Fred Conrad New York Times. ***

Hestoft Photography Chicago ***

Ilja Herb ***

James Hill New York Times Moscow ***

James F. Quinn Chicago Tribune. ***

Kari Medig Vancouver Canada ***

Matt Bigwood UK **

Mark Lomas, South Yorkshire UK *

Mark Wilson, Owings USA *

Patrick Hattori Belgium - Gazet Van Antwerpen *

Pierre Viroll Nice-France **

Stefan Heijdendael-  Journalist Photographer The Netherlands ***

Toshihiro Oshima, Japan *

Trask Bedortha Coburg OR USA *

Zeljko Kardum Zagreb Croatie *

*** complete equipment.

** personalized equipment.

* Lens board and rings - Aero lens.

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