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Interpolated bitmaps, or 'when CAN you see the white of their eyes?'
Marathon and Myth both use bitmap-images for the visuals. However, while marathon allows a fine-tuned first-person view of bitmaps with a bigger size, myth is actually a third-person view (a bird-view or a god-view) and hence the myth-bitmaps are smaller. Myth:SB has even -25% smaller bitmaps then Myth:TFL.
So when a myth-bitmap is pasted straight into the marathon shapes on a 1:1 scale, one gets result A.
Marathon-physics allows to set the scale of the bitmaps, but those look upclose like B.
A compromise has to be made, and with a little photoshopping and a huge demand on the player's imagination, result C is what I actually set for. Untill the Great Powers of Bungie release their Art-sources for the public (uhm, never?), this compromise is what it is.
I am not interested to revert-design with a decent 3d-program all(!) the models. (Well... unless a G4 falls off the truck with some Strata installed :)

So... does it suck then? Try it for yourself when being chased by a swarm of fast(er?) ghols, trying to reload yer last clip and REALLY trying to avoid the places where Giants Walk The Earth... :)
Note: the above graphic was made with the old cluts, recognizable seen on the trow with its yellowish highlights instead of: