System Hangs with Kraft Mouse and Driver 3.01 (76845)

The information in this article applies to:
    Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 5.0
    Microsoft MS-DOS operating system 5.0a

This article was previously published under Q76845


You have a Kraft Systems mouse and mouse driver version 3.0 or earlier, and your system stops responding (hangs) or locks up when you use MS-DOS version 5.0 Shell Task Swapper.


Kraft Systems has confirmed that the Kraft mouse and Kraft mouse driver version 3.0 or earlier may cause this behavior in MS-DOS Shell Task Swapper.

NOTE: Kraft Systems has confirmed that Kraft mouse and mouse driver version 3.01 work properly with MS-DOS Shell Task Swapper.


If you have a Kraft mouse and Kraft mouse driver version 3.0 installed and your machine hangs with Task Swapper, you can work around the problem by doing one of the following:
    Contact Kraft Systems about upgrading to the 3.01 version of the mouse driver.
    Disable the mouse by remarking out the DEVICE=C:\KRAFT\MOUSE.SYS line in the CONFIG.SYS file and use Task Swapper by keyboard input.
    Do not use Task Swapper.


For more information, contact Kraft Systems.

The Kraft Systems products included here are manufactured by a vendor independent of Microsoft; we make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability.

Modification Type: Major Last Reviewed: 9/30/2003
Keywords: KB76845