infinite 8 animation

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Homeopathy works on the principle of “like cures like”.

A holistic approach is adopted. By observing the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical person we can arrive at a “symptom picture” – and a single appropriate remedy.

Personal consultations and training in Amsterdam or by email, post or telephone

Your healing questions, comments and inspirations are welcome: Email

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Homoeopathy's 9 fundamental principles
vital insights into disease and cure

Why I love homoeopathy
my personal herstory

Digital homoeopathy:

Un-stress now: take the Aconite remedy

resolvinganger homeopathic power image


Anthrax and homeopathic protection

Homoeopathic notes:

Curative remedy reactions

Why a single remedy is usually best

Vaccination - a personal warning


Spiritual Healing

External links...

Centrum Integrale Geneeskunde
My locum. Integrated healthcare centre in Amsterdam

Helios Homoeopathic Pharmacy
People who have a remote homeopathic consultation can order their remedies from here.

History & the present
Homeopathy dates back to the late 1700's, and by the end of the 19th century was widely practiced in the US. Then what happened?

Self-healing triggers
Safe and effective alternatives to crude vaccines.
Large Homeopathy directory. Links to homeopaths, pharmacies, homeopathy software, history, etc., veterinarian homeopaths, alternative medicine, and more.

Information & Booking
Site MapLinks & Rings

The infinite 8 animation activates an alpha state for relaxed awareness