Why not to use "SELECT * FROM ..." in production code!

Many developers use SELECT * to select all columns of a particular table. Typing SELECT * FROM ... is much simpler and less work than typing say SELECT order_id, order_date FROM ....

However, in general this is not a smart thing to do, and in some situations it is downright dangerous (in the long run)!

This article explains why it is a bad idea to use SELECT * in production code.

Main reasons

The main reasons not to use SELECT * are:
  1. Performance might suffer
  2. Table changes can lead to unexpected behavior and errors

As usual there are always exceptions.


The examples in this article use a few tables. The setup for it, as well as some sample data is shown below.
  -- DROP VIEW  dbo.complete_orders
  -- DROP TABLE dbo.orderlines
  -- DROP TABLE dbo.orders
  CREATE TABLE dbo.orders
  (order_id      int           NOT NULL CONSTRAINT PK_orders PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED
  ,order_date    datetime      NOT NULL
  ,description   char(300)         NULL
  ,shipped_date  datetime          NULL
  ,amount_paid   decimal(15,2)     NULL
  ,full_info     varchar(max)      NULL
  ,cs            XML column_set FOR ALL_SPARSE_COLUMNS
  CREATE INDEX IX_orders_orderdate ON dbo.orders(order_date) INCLUDE (order_id)
  CREATE TABLE dbo.orderlines
  (orderlines_order_id int           NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_orderlines_orders REFERENCES dbo.orders
  ,line_number         tinyint       NOT NULL
  ,article_number      int               NULL
  ,amount              tinyint           NULL
  ,price               decimal(15,2)     NULL 
  ,last_change_date    datetime          NULL
  ,CONSTRAINT PK_orderlines PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (orderlines_order_id,line_number)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orders(order_id,order_date,amount_paid,full_info) VALUES (1,'20100801',14,REPLICATE('a',100000))
  INSERT INTO dbo.orders(order_id,order_date,amount_paid,full_info) VALUES (2,'20100802',14,REPLICATE('b',200000))
  INSERT INTO dbo.orders(order_id,order_date,amount_paid,full_info) VALUES (3,'20100803',14,REPLICATE('c',300000))
  INSERT INTO dbo.orders(order_id,order_date,amount_paid,full_info) VALUES (4,'20100804',14,REPLICATE('d',400000))
  INSERT INTO dbo.orders(order_id,order_date,amount_paid) VALUES (5,'20100805',15)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orders(order_id,order_date,amount_paid) VALUES (6,'20100806',9.95)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number) VALUES (1,1)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number) VALUES (1,2)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number) VALUES (2,1)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number) VALUES (3,1)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number) VALUES (3,2)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number) VALUES (3,3)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number) VALUES (4,1)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number,amount,price) VALUES (5,1,4,2.50)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number,amount,price) VALUES (5,2,1,5)
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number,last_change_date) VALUES (6,1,'20100806')
  INSERT INTO dbo.orderlines(orderlines_order_id,line_number,last_change_date) VALUES (6,2,'20100807')

Unnecessary extra reads

When you are using SELECT * you ask for all columns.
  -- Select orders in date range
  -- include I/O statistics
  FROM orders
  WHERE order_date BETWEEN '20100802' AND '20100805'

Now, our test table has a varchar(max) column in it. This data is (normally) not stored on the same disk page that holds the rest of the column data, but it is stored in lob (Large Object) pages.

This is true for all large-value data types, such as varchar(max), nvarchar(max), varbinary(max), text, ntext and image. The only exception is when the actual data in the column is so small that it would fit on the same page as the rest of the columns, and the table configuration allows inline storage of lob columns.

In the test setup of this article, any lob column that is filled has a value that requires more than 8060 bytes, so they can never be (completely) stored inline.

If you run the query above, it will show this line below the query resultset.
Table 'orders'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1, physical reads 1, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 7, lob physical reads 3, lob read-ahead reads 0.
So in addition to the one logical read, the engine also needs 7 lob logical reads.

If you don't need all columns, and you just select the ones you need, the storage engine can avoid retrieving the lob column data.
  -- Select orders in date range; relevant columns only
  -- include I/O statistics
  SELECT order_id, order_date, amount_paid
  FROM orders
  WHERE order_date BETWEEN '20100802' AND '20100805'

Table 'orders'. Scan count 1, logical reads 1, physical reads 1, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.
As you can see: no lob logical reads anymore. No lob physical reads anymore. And no more waste of memory or bandwidth. In other words, a faster query, and more time/resources available to the server for other queries.

Table Scan instead of Index Seek

When you are using SELECT * you ask for all columns.
  -- Select orders in date range
  FROM orders
  WHERE order_date BETWEEN '20100802' AND '20100805'

A typical query plan for a query like that is a table scan.

Query Plan that shows a Table Scan

If you don't need all columns, and you just select the ones you need, the optimizer might be able to come up with a more efficient query plan.
  -- Select orders in date range; relevant columns only
  SELECT order_id, order_date
  FROM orders
  WHERE order_date BETWEEN '20100802' AND '20100805'

The nonclusted index IX_orders_orderdate is very useful for this query. It covers the requested columns, and it is able to efficiently apply the WHERE clause

Query Plan that shows a nonclustered Index Seek

This query plan will be significantly faster, especially when the table grows and/or when a smaller percentage of all rows is selected.

Dropping a column that is still in use

You are asked to remove a column from the table. You want to make sure that the column isn't used anywhere. So you search all queries for the column's name, but can't find any. So that is good!

But now you find a few instances of SELECT *. The application that uses these queries, are they actively using this column, the one that needs to be dropped? You don't know! At least not until you've investigated these applications as well.

If it is still used in an application, dropping the column will break this application.

That fact that the application is broken might not become apparent for quite some time, because it depends entirely on where the query is used, and how errors are handled. Prepare for a confused application developer.

Using SELECT * in a view

You have a view that uses SELECT * to join the orders table and orderlines table into one resultset. Like this:
  CREATE VIEW dbo.complete_orders AS
  FROM orders
  JOIN orderlines
    ON orderlines_order_id = order_id

Assume this view has been created in the past. Selecting from the view would look like this:
  -- select complete orders of August 5th
  FROM complete_orders
  WHERE order_date = '20100805'
Resultset that correctly shows a two rows of order data

You are asked to add a column to table orders. What's the harm of adding a column?

Well, let's see what happens if you do.
  ALTER TABLE dbo.orders
  ADD return_date datetime NULL
  -- select complete orders of August 5th
  FROM dbo.complete_orders
  WHERE order_date = '20100805'
Resultset with a money amount in the last_change_date column

Notice what's happened to the right of column cs? The value of column return_date is shown in the column names orderlines_order_id. All other column's values have been moved one column to the right. The column last_change_date now lists money amounts. Can you see the problems this will cause for the application(s) that use the view?

By the way, if you want to fix the view, then run: sp_refreshview "dbo.complete_orders"

Using SELECT * from multiple tables

You have a query that uses SELECT * to select from multiple tables. Like this:
  -- select everything of August 6th
  FROM  orders, orderlines
  WHERE orderlines_order_id = order_id
  AND   order_date = '20100806'
Its result will look like this:

Resultset that shows last_change_date as last column
Let's assume the application executing this query is using the column last_change_date. With the current query, it would get 2010-08-06 and 2010-08-07.

Now let's say your boss asked you to add a last_change_date column to the orders table as well.
  ALTER TABLE orders
  ADD last_change_date datetime NULL
The application will still run the same SELECT * query.
  -- select everything of August 6th
  FROM  orders, orderlines
  WHERE orderlines_order_id = order_id
  AND   order_date = '20100806'
But look at the results now!

Resultset that shows two last_change_date columns

Notice that application would now only get back NULLs when inspecting last_date_change. The orderlines last_date_change column is no longer available, except when using the column's index number (which would have caused problems in this example as well)!

By the way: if you happened to run the previous example - the one with the view - then see what happens now if you run
  -- refreshing the view after a table modification
  sp_refreshview "dbo.complete_orders"
It gives this result:
Server: Msg 4506, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_refreshsqlmodule_internal, Line 75
Column names in each view or function must be unique. Column name 'last_change_date' in view or function 'complete_orders' is specified more than once.
You can't refresh the view, because the view's definition requires a unique list of columns. The refresh command failes. It will not destroy the view; you get to keep the broken view.

SPARSE columns

If you have many columns that are NULL most of the time, then it can save a lot of diskspace if you declare them as SPARSE.

You have an application that runs this query:

  -- select everything of August 6th
  FROM  orders, orderlines
  WHERE orderlines_order_id = order_id
  AND   order_date = '20100806'
Its result will look like this:

Resultset that includes a amount_paid column
Let's assume some thought it would be a good idea to make amount_paid a sparse column.

  ALTER TABLE orders
  ALTER COLUMN amount_paid decimal(15,2) SPARSE NULL
The application will still run the same SELECT * query.
  -- select everything of August 6th
  FROM  orders, orderlines
  WHERE orderlines_order_id = order_id
  AND   order_date = '20100806'
But look at the results now!

Resultset without amount_paid column

Notice that application will no longer be able to find the amount_paid column, because SELECT * will not select it. Instead, the column cs will contain its value in XML format.


As usual, there are always exceptions. In this case there is one.

It is no problem at all to have SELECT * in an EXISTS clause. Like this:

  -- SELECT * in EXISTS() is just fine!
  SELECT order_id, order_date, amount_paid
  FROM  orders
    SELECT *
    FROM orderlines
    WHERE orderlines_order_id = order_id
    AND   amount IS NOT NULL
    AND   price IS NOT NULL
The reason that this is fine, is because the SELECT * in this EXISTS clause does not actually select any columns. It indicates that the columns don't matter.

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