Everyone Needs a "Number One" Friend.


Someone you can tell your secrets to

And know they will keep them.

Someone you can tell your troubles to

And they will listen and then just say

*SMILE* and they all go away!!

Someone who thinks you look GREAT

when you just crawled out of bed

and could scare the daylights out of a stuffed animal!!


Someone that "pops" in on you

with an "UT-OH" when you are up to late

and tells you "Goodnight" and

"You're up to late...go to bed!!"

Someone who greets you every morning

with your "Morning Email" without fail

and sends you a nice hot cup of virtual tea

to start your day with a BIG smile!!


Someone who is waiting for you to come

home from work just to make sure

you got home alright.

Everyone needs a NUMBER ONE Friend!!

Someone you would give just about anything

to tell face to face how much they mean to you!