Rope Skipping on CD

Download a presentation of the CD-rom!!!!
(Right mouseclick. The save as....)

RSonCD-no-audio.avi (4,6 Mb)
DIVX4FULLINSTALLER.EXE (718 Kb) (This file is to run (one of the) avi-files.


For your order (or order information), please click the image below, and again on the same image that appears at the bottom of that site!!!!

Link to Edu'Actief

You can also download your orderform directely here!!!!


The first release of the CD-rom 'Rope Skipping on CD' is a fact and is being distributed as you read this.
Update Januari 24, 2003: Today we have created a 'patch' to run RS-on-CD under Windows XP. The only problem we haven't solved yet (and won't soon) is the usage of accents above the characters (ä, é, etc., etc.). So while registering you version of RS-on-CD, make sure that you have an account without the accents!!
Also we have added the languages Fries, Italian and prepared the entry of Finnish already.....
We have located the problem for this and you can download you patch ( : 381 Kb) here!!!

Just copy [RSonCD.exe] and [rslang.mms] OVER the same files which are already installed on your harddisk (look with [Explorer] where the original file is located! Rename this file; DON'T throw it away!!! When the patch doesn't work, you will always have the original one ;-)

For further or detailed questions, please contact! And we'll do the best we can!!


DANSK!!: provided by: Mette Sørensen (26-01-2001)

NEDERLANDS / VLAAMS!!: provided by: Eric Cardon (26-03-2001)

Rope Skipping on CD brings you a unique CD-rom with everything there is to know about Rope Skipping (or Jumprope as the Americans say...).
All known skills in motion on your screen, with a player that allows you to see the skill you are looking for in slow-motion, as well as frame-for-frame!!!

In this


we made it possible for you to 'browse' through the a couple of the screens of the CD-rom. The top-bar will be your guide!!!


The full version, which was launced March 9, 2001 and contains:
- Over 900 (!) skills in Single Rope, Double Dutch, Wheels and various other possibilities in Front-, Side- and Backview
- Full judging-practice
- 646 (!!) MPG's of the skills
- A powerfull search-engine to search the skill you are looking for
- Create your virtual routine!!
- Access a lot of main Internetpages for Rope Skipping on the Internet
- A multilinguistic database-structure, which allows you to look up your element in your, but also your friends national language


For the last option we need your help!!!!
The FULL-VERSION of the CD-rom will be available for free for those who provide us as the first one with the full-translation in his / her national langauge. Our requirements for this 'package' is:
- Regular text-file according to following system:

If you want to help us even more, we would appreciate it when you translate this whole page in your langauge, so we can put it on this site, so it allows other to access the information it their own langauge!!!!!! Of course we will show our grattitude to your help with the presentation of pre-releases to you as the first one!! (This only applies to the one who provides us as the first one with the translation of his / her country.)

For questions please contact:

For your order (or order information), please click the image below, and again on the same image that appears at the bottom of that site!!!!

Link to Edu'Actief

You can also download your orderform directely here!!!!