Pakistan, the long hope

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Pakistan, the long hope
Description: Pakistan, Kashmir dec2005/febr2006
Locals came from the mountains to collect blankets for the cold nights.

More than 70.000 people have lost their lives during the earthquake in the Pakistan Kashmir regions on October 8.
Cities like Balakot , near the epical center report close to 100% destroyed homes that are beyond rebuilding.
In the mountain regions of Kashmir, people are difficult to reach and some area's can only be accessed after spring arrives.
This creates a huge flood of people that flee the mountains during wintertime, facing the dangerous landslides,
to arrive in the hands of the Aid agencies who have a huge task, while some have lack of funding.
The fear of total isolation, outbreak of diseases, and traumatized victims is a long task for the future.
In the tents, life tries to find it's rules again, the refugees try to forget all they have lost and hope for a better future.

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