Aurora : 21 january 2005

0ForecastsDutch Aurora AlertAlerts and Warnings
1Xray flaresGOES Xray FluxAlerts and Warnings
2Earth directed?SOHO LASCO-C3SOHO EIT-195
3SpeedACE SWEPAMSOHO Proton Monitor
4Mass influx 1ACE EPAM ElectronsGOES Electron Flux
5Mass influx 2ACE SIS ProtonsGOES Proton Flux
6Electron fluxACE EPAM ProtonsPOES Auroral Activity
7Mag. satelliteACE MAGGOES Magnetometer
8Mag. earthNorway - StackSweden - Kiruna
9Kp-indexNOAA Estimated KpCostello Predicted Kp
10Auroral OvalCSA CanopusSTD Auroral Oval

Dutch Aurora-alert by Roy Keeris

Hallo allemaal,

Afgelopen dagen hebben we niet echt geluk gehad. Zowel het noorderlicht als het
weer lieten verstek en dus was er helaas niets te zien. De zonnevlammen hebben
uiteindelijk wel een langdurige magnetische storing teweeg gebracht, maar deze
was te klein om het aurora boven Nederland op te laten lichten.

Op dit moment is het magneetveld van de aarde weer rustig. Echter, inmiddels
hebben er twee nieuwe krachtige zonnevlammen plaatsgevonden. Helaas zit de
zonnevlek nu op de rand van de zonneschijf, op het punt om naar de achterkant te
verdwijnen. De uitbarstingen zijn daarom meer zijwaarts gericht en niet op de
aarde. Toch is er kans dat we misschien een graantje meepikken en dat een deel
van de wolk geladen zonnedeeltjes onze planeet treft. Dit zou dan vandaag of
morgen moeten gebeuren.

Over de eerste uitbarsting is het volgende bekend: Als deze de aarde treft, dan
wordt de kracht op 3 geschat op een schaal van 1 tot 9. Dit is dus niet erg
hoog. Als dit iets veroorzaakt dan krijgen we misschien vannacht noorderlicht.
De kans bedraagt ongeveer 10%. Over de tweede uitbarsting is nog niet veel
bekend, maar deze kan morgennacht eventueel voor noorderlicht zorgen.

Mocht er iets gaan gebeuren, dan proberen wij u zo snel mogelijk op de hoogte te


Roy Keeris

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De Noorderlicht chat groep.

Belangrijke meldingen worden in de alertlijst gedaan.
Realtime site.

Meer informatie op:

NOAA/SEC SpaceWeather Alerts and Warnings Timeline

Real time data:

More alerts: Space Weather Alerts

Image courtesy of NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC), Boulder, Colorado, USA


Real time data (6 hours):

Real time data (3 days):

Definition of an X-RAY BURST.
A temporary enhancement of the X-ray emission of the sun. The time-intensity profile of soft X-ray bursts is similar to that of the H-ALPHA profile of an associated FLARE.

Definition of the X-RAY FLARE CLASS.
Rank of a FLARE based on its X-ray energy output. Flares are classified by the order of magnitude of the peak burst intensity (I) measured at the earth in the 1 to 8 angstrom band as follows:

Definition of H-ALPHA.
This ABSORPTION LINE of neutral hydrogen falls in the red part of the visible spectrum and is convenient for solar observations. The H-alpha line is universally used for patrol observations of solar flares.

Image courtesy of NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC), Boulder, Colorado, USA


Real time data:

More real time data:

Image courtesy of ESA/NASA European Space Agency and National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Real time data:

More real time data:

Image courtesy of ESA/NASA European Space Agency and National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NOAA/SEC GOES Proton flux

Real time data:

Definition of a PROTON EVENT.
By definition, the measurement of at least 10 protons/ at energies greater than 10 MeV.

Definition of a PROTON FLARE.
Any FLARE producing significant FLUXes of greater-than-10 MeV protons in the vicinity of the earth.

Energetic protons can reach Earth within 30 minutes of a major flare's peak. During such an event, Earth is showered with highly energetic solar particles (primarily protons) released from the flare site. Some of these particles spiral down Earth's magnetic field lines, reaching the upper layers of our atmosphere.

Image courtesy of NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC), Boulder, Colorado, USA

NOAA/SEC GOES Electron flux

Real time data:

Definition of a PROTON EVENT.
By definition, the measurement of at least 10 protons/ at energies greater than 10 MeV.

Definition of a PROTON FLARE.
Any FLARE producing significant FLUXes of greater-than-10 MeV protons in the vicinity of the earth.

Energetic protons can reach Earth within 30 minutes of a major flare's peak. During such an event, Earth is showered with highly energetic solar particles (primarily protons) released from the flare site. Some of these particles spiral down Earth's magnetic field lines, reaching the upper layers of our atmosphere.

Image courtesy of NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC), Boulder, Colorado, USA

NOAA/SEC GOES Magnetometer

Real time data:

Image courtesy of NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC), Boulder, Colorado, USA

NASA/ESA SOHO Proton Monitor - 2 days

Real time data (2 days):

Real time data (2 weeks):

From top to bottom, the 4 panels represent the following solar wind proton parameters:

SOHO is never in the magnetosphere and enjoys excellent data coverage. The data on the Web page are typically between a few minutes and a few hours old.

Image courtesy of the UMCP Space Physics Group of the University of Maryland


Real time data:

More data:

The Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) launched at 10:39 a.m., August 25, 1997

Image courtesy of NASA Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE)
Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA


Real time data:

More data:

The Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) launched at 10:39 a.m., August 25, 1997

Image courtesy of NASA Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE)
Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA

(Solar Isotope Spectrometer)

Real time data:

More data:

The Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) is designed to provide high resolution measurements of the isotopic composition of energetic nuclei from He to Ni (Z=2 to 28) over the energy range from ~10 to ~100 MeV/nucleon. During large solar events, when particle fluxes can increase over quiet-time values by factors of up to 10000, SIS will measure the isotopic composition of the solar corona.

Image courtesy of NASA Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE)
Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA

(Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor)

Real time data:

More data:

The Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) launched at 10:39 a.m., August 25, 1997

Image courtesy of NASA Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE)
Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA


Real time data:

More data:

The Solar Wind Electron, Proton, and Alpha Monitor (SWEPAM) measures the solar wind plasma electron and ion fluxes (rates of particle flow) as functions of direction and energy. These data provide detailed knowledge of the solar wind conditions and internal state every minute. SWEPAM also provides real-time solar wind observations which are continiously telemetered to the ground for space weather purposes.

Electron and ion measurements are made with separate sensors. The ion sensor measures particle energies between about 0.26 and 36 KeV, and the electron sensor's energy range is between 1 and 1350 eV. Both sensors use electrostatic analyzers with fan-shaped fields-of-view. The electrostatic analyzers measure the energy per charge of each particle by bending their flight paths through the system. The fields-of-view are swept across all solar wind directions by the rotation of the spacecraft.

Image courtesy of NASA Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE)
Caltech, Pasadena, California, USA

Costello Predicted Activity Index
(in Kp units)

Real time data (24 hours):

Real time data (7 days):

The Costello Geomagnetic Activity Index model was developed by Kirt Costello at Rice University under support from the US Air Force and Sterling Software, Inc. It is a neural network algorithm that was trained on the response of the Kp geomagnetic activity index to solar wind parameters. The model takes the most recent two hours of solar wind data and returns a 3-hour activity index prediction in units of Kp. The valid time of the prediction is indicated on the output graphics by horizontal bars.

Image courtesy of NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC), Boulder, Colorado, USA

NOAA/SEC Estimated Planetary K index

Real time data:

Definition of the K INDEX.
A 3-hourly quasi-logarithmic local index of geomagnetic activity relative to an assumed quiet-day curve for the recording site. Range is from 0 to 9. The K index measures the deviation of the most disturbed horizontal component.

Definition of the Kp INDEX.
A 3-hourly planetary geomagnetic index of activity generated in Gottingen, Germany, based on the K INDEX from 12 or 13 stations distributed around the world.

Kp and its related indices (ap, Ap, Cp) have been widely used in ionospheric and atmospheric studies and are generally recognized as indices measuring the effect of energetic charged particles arriving in Earth's upper atmosphere after periods of intense solar activity.

Image courtesy of NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC), Boulder, Colorado, USA

Norway - Magnetometer

Realtime Magnetometer D component:

Realtime Magnetometer H component:

Realtime Magnetometer Z component:

Image courtesy of the Tromsų Geophysical Observatory

Kiruna - Sweden - Magnetometer

Real time data:

Image courtesy of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics

NOAA/SEC POES Auroral Oval

Real time data:

More historic data:

More data:

Image courtesy of NOAA Space Environment Center (SEC), Boulder, Colorado, USA

Solar Terrestrial Dispatch - Auroral Oval

Real time data:

Image courtesy of the Solar Terrestrial Dispatch - Space Weather, Solar & Geophysical Support Services

Canopus - Real Time Auroral Oval

Real time data:

Image courtesy of the Canopus - Canadian Space Agency

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