Line Scores

Baseball 2008

Compiled and Copyright © 1997-2008 by Marco Stoovelaar

Zaterdag 2 maart - Saturday, March 2
Neptunus - Sparta/Feyenoord 10-10 (9)
DOOR Neptunus050101102-10131
pitchers Sparta/Feyenoordinn.SOBBHRER
Rudy Seebus11----
Tim Roodenburg0.2-4255
Berry van Donselaar1.1 (*)--211
Ronald de Bont1.24-2--
Elton Koeiman, BS (1)2.111422
Herman Gaarman, BS (1)211322
(*) - Van Donselaar gooide op drie slagmensen in de vierde inning
(*) - Van Donselaar pitched to three batters in the fourth inning
pitchers Neptunusinn.SOBBHRER
Kevin Heystek2121--
Wouter Lensselink111231
Jurjen van Zijl, BS (1)1.212555
Gregory Gustina2.13-2--
Berry van Driel222122
Umpires: HP-Henri van Heijningen, 1B-Arnold Verbrugge.
Official Scorer-Jan van der Sande (Neptunus).
Time-3:05 hr.
verslag (Ned.)
recap (Eng.)
Box Score
exhibition game

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Last Update: March 18, 2008
Copyright © 1997-2008 Marco Stoovelaar.