Dutch Gay News May 21st 1995

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Social-Democrats Favour Adoption by Gay couples

Shortly before discussions within the Dutch government are to start concerning the overhaul of laws dealing with adoption and kinship the Social Democrat fraction in parliament have officially adopted the view that adoption by singles and gay couples should be made legally possible as long as it is in the best interest of the child. It is however recognised that if such changes in adoption-laws were to be made other countries might refuse to cooperate, leading to a potential shortage in children availeable for adoption in Holland. On the issue of partnership-registration the Labour-party, which together with social liberals and conservative liberals make up the current government, take the view that the current partnership-registration for gay couples should be replaced by a partner contract, as the current registration is unsatisfactory, especially where the right of succession between partners is concerned. This proposed partner-contract should have the same status as the (straight) marriage. To the disappointment of gay pressure groups the opening up of (straight) marriage to gay couples was rejected.

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"Glad to be Gay" "Loving to be Lesbian"

Under this motto "Strange Fruit", a group for gays and lesbians of non-Dutch origin has been in existence for several years under the wings of the Amsterdam chapter of the N.V.I.H.-COC. The group, run by young gays and lesbians from all kinds of different cultural backgrounds, dedicates itself to supporting gays and lesbians of non-Dutch origin living in Holland while being proud of their cultural heritage. The group organizes such varying activities as theatre, parties, bellydancing for both men and women, musical performances and lectures by Black, Arab and Turkish filmmakers and writers. Group-members also host the programme "Global Perspective" on local gay radio once a month. Further plans include setting up a group especially for Lesbians and the start of a musical group. Strange fruit can be contacted via the N.V.I.H.-COC on +31-20-6263087 or via snailmail at: Rozenstraat 14, NL-1016 NX Amsterdam. Reactions I receive via E-mail will be forwarded to the organisation.

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Dutch Gay Pride to be Held in Hilversum

On saturday, june 24th, Dutch gay pride will be held in Hilversum, the home town of Dutch TV and Radio, situated some 30 km east of Amsterdam. This year's motto will be: "The other reality", the aim to show to the world that the gay community also includes people like bankers, computer-programmers, artists and your nextdoor neighbour. All too often the media still present a picture of gays based on stereotypes. After the Europride 1994 debacle many feared gay pride would not be held this year, a fear fuelled by rumours spread in the gay community that the event would be cancelled due to lack of funding and unwillingness of the authorities to cooperate with the "Roze Zaterdag Hilversum Foundation", the organisers of this year's event. When asked a spokesperson for the organisation strongly denied any such rumours and said that preparations were running as planned. He also pointed out that none of those held responsible for last year's fiasco have been included in this year's organising committee.

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Dutch Gay Pride: the Programme

In the week leading up to to gay pride day several exhibitions centered around gay art are being organised in Hilversum and the local film theatre will feature gay films such as: Desert Hearts, And the band played on, Salmonberries, Zero patient, Torch song trilogy and Prscilla, queen of the desert. On the evening before the actual event festivities will begin with the arrival of the gay liberation tour and the party "a tribute to stonewall" at "de Tagrijn" from 22:00-04:00. Highlights of the day itself include: 11:00 Christian sermon (which has become a tradition) 13:00 Start of the parade from Sportpark Hilversum at the Soes- tdijkerweg leading through the centre of town and then back to the Sportpark. Included in the parade will be a number of colourfull and beautifully made floats. 15:20 "Femme Fatale" on percussion 15:30 Official opening by Hilversum's mayor Mrs. Kraayeveld-Wouters and the head of the "Roze Zaterdag Hilversum" organisation Jos van der Zwan. 16:15 TV-gameshow. 17:20 Gay choir singing and from 10:00-04:00 "IT's Zaterdag Feest", with lots of acts including the "IT"-dancers. In the evening several parties in different locations are being organised, catering to just about any taste you can imagine. These include a rock concert, a classical party, theatre performances, a women's only party and a leather and rubber (strict dress code) party.

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