The site index (inhoudsopgave) of Prof. Y. Lupardi

made by Piet Vogelaar
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Who is Prof. Y. Lupardi?
Who is Piet Vogelaar?

-->>Geocaching and related items (MAIN PAGE).

My GPS 12 in use on a bicycle.
The GPS 12 Secret Codes.
The Magellan Meridian Secret Codes.

Legenda for topographic maps of 1:25.000 (720 kb)
Legenda for topographic maps of 1:50.000 (650 kb)
Overview of the numbering of the Dutch topographic 1:25.000 maps.
Overview of the numbering of the Dutch topographic 1:50.000 maps.

Download Lijst met alle RD-Punten als spreadsheet (XLS) d.d. 2007
Download Lijst met alle RD-Punten als GPX file d.d. 2007 (als gecomprimeerde zip-file)

How to set your GPS for use of the Dutch Grid.

The special RD&Ozi-help page. (Engelstalig)
De speciale RD&Ozi-help page. (Nederlandstalig)
The special RD&Ozi-help page. Part 2: using the WGS84 on RD-maps. (Engelstalig)
De speciale RD&Ozi-help page. Deel 2: gebruik van WGS84 met RD-kaarten. (Nederlandstalig)

Mr. Bannerjee's guestpage.

Hoe maak ik zelf een passieve GPS antenne?

Observations about the accuracy of the GPS.
Hoe groot is de fout van je GPS bij positiebepaling?

Using the GPS12 for precise (sub-meter) accuracy.
The GPS-Kernnet point Hazerswoude Zuiddijk and the free marker Leiderdorp.

Benchmark hunting in the Netherlands.
My adventures in benchmarkhunting (In Dutch!).

In search of an old railway (in Dutch).

I am mentioned in a newspaper (In Dutch!).
My cache 'Brandneteleiland' is mentioned in a newspaper. (pdf)