Art, science and transcendence
a comparison between Tolstoy and Plato
by Drs. T. J. Kuijl ©1995-1999
last updated April 29, 1999



          Science without a connection with transcendence

          Tolstoy's analyses of the historical development of science explains how this science has degenerated by shifting its focus away from our religious perception (pg. 214). First he notices how the primate of searching for relevant social knowledge has shifted towards research in the field of natural sciences, because this gives us material benefits. He further remarks how the social relevant sciences like philosophy and theology, in so far as they already had not been disregarded by the natural sciences with their so-called impartial and objective knowledge for being just superstition, have been used to underscore to privileged position of the social elite with some academic orientated theory.
          The false social and religious sciences defend the existing unjust religious and social- economic order and establishment (pg. 218). That is the reason why they dispute the 'science of life' (the social sciences) that wants to get rid of the harmful social structures with its great poverty and injustice. The natural sciences dispose themselves of the science of life, and any other moral issue, by typecasting them as senseless and unscientific.
          The ideals of the natural sciences have been leading all people to expect a technological Utopia (pg. 219). Machines and all other sorts of artificial technical auxiliary appliances would be able to produce a abundant and constant stream of consumption goods without any participation of human labour worth mentioning. However this material abundance will only cause a proportional spiritual and moral emptiness.
          These sciences with their knowledge of the mathematical structure of the physical nature have been seeking like an lose canon as much knowledge as possible about the phenomena of nature. Any moral perspective does not bind the desire for this type of knowledge with its practical use. The danger exists that it will not be producing any benefit but will only be causing greater harm to mankind. This knowledge that has been so much admired because of its technical and material intensity, will moreover enriches especially a small privileged group in society, and allows ever so more destructive wars (pg. 216). Its medicine for social issues like poverty and disease lies in technological and medical sham solutions. However the wrong and unjust social principles that have been causing the social inequality are being left undisturbed.
Last updated April 29, 1999
author: Drs. T. J.  Kuijl ©1995-1999. Comments are welcome and can be send via e-mail (click on e-mail)
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