(Click cover to enlarge)

Io, Elvis - La Parabola Immortale Di "The King"
Borgognone, Paolo (2022)

Diarkos , Italy
paperback , 464 pages
ISBN-10: 88-32176-33-5 , ISBN-13: 978-88-32-17633-9

Category: Biographies
Language: Italian
Description: The book tells of his ascent to the pinnacle of fame which, analyzed in an alternative perspective, also represents a path in reverse: a descent between torments and the fear of a simple man: Elvis, the greatest. The human story on this earth, perhaps (and we emphasize "perhaps"), ends tragically on August 16, 1977 ... but the myth still surrounds us and inspires generations to repeat. The book contains charts and collections of rare and unobtainable records, lists of songs described through anecdotes and curiosities. English title: I, Elvis - The Immortal Parable of "The King".
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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