(Click covers to enlarge)

Elvis Live At Del Webb's Sahara Tahoe
McCasland, Sue ; Krein, Joseph A. (2008)

Praytome Publishing , Germany
hardback , 144 pages , 30.3 x 21.4 x 1.4 cm , 0.942 kg
ISBN-10: 3-00-024816-1 , ISBN-13: 978-3-00-024816-0

Category: Concerts and television appearances
Language: English
Description: You were allowed to take pictures during concerts when Elvis was on tour, but during the engagements at Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe it was prohibited. Sue McCasland was among the very few fans who were able to take pictures. There was a much more intimate atmosphere in Tahoe, because of a smaller showroom, so the risk was higher to get caught while sneaking cameras into the showroom and taking pictures during the concert. With that knowledge, one can appreciate the value of Sue's photos - a real treasure, so to say. And fortunately, Sue has decided to share her personal treasure with us.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : ElvisBooks
Publisher :

This book has been rated by 5 person(s), 4 of them have read this book.
Their average rating is 9.8.
Their comments:

" the book of the year 2008! "

" what a fantastic book about that topic. great titel it puts light on a black hole of elvis history "

" Praytome did it again! "

(Rates and comments received between November 2, 2002 and March 12, 2014)
(Rates and comments do not necessarily express the views of ElvisBooks)

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