(Click covers to enlarge)

Destined To Fly: From Iowa To Elvis, The Story Of Pilot Ron Strauss
Hoedel, Sally Ann (2022)

Elvis Author, LLC , Williamsburg (MI), USA
paperback , 176 pages , 22.7 x 15.3 x 1.2 cm , 0.318 kg
ISBN-10: 1-7336526-4-7 , ISBN-13: 978-1-7336526-4-3

Category: Memoirs and memories
Language: English
Description: The book retraces the extraordinary life of an ordinary boy from Iowa as he leaves home and sets out for a life of unknown adventures. What began as a desire to be involved in aviation, quickly turned into a 12-year military career in the United States Air Force. Often choosing an unconventional route, Ron Strauss achied his dream of becoming a pilot. With Elvis Presley as his boss, he even co-piloted on of the most famous airplanes in existence, the Lisa Marie. Sally Hoedel examines the eight decades of Ron's journey thus far. As she explores the roots of his character and the motivating factors behind his successful aviation career, she delivers a portrait of Americana. Aviation enthusiasts will also be inspired as they connect with this timeless story of hard work perseverance, dreams, love, life family ... and flying.
Source: book back cover.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : ElvisBooks
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