(Click covers to enlarge)

My Las Vegas - With Elvis, Sinatra, Streisand, Darin, Prima & More
Morris, Bobby (2019)

Hudson Music, LLC
hardback , 232 pages
ISBN-10: 1-5400-5201-X , ISBN-13: 978-1-5400-5201-8

Category: Memoirs and memories
Language: English
Description: Bobby Morris, who arrived in the U.S. from Poland at age ten, where he shined shoes and dreamed of being a drummer, and rose to become a music legend both behind the drums and in the Vegas entertainment industry. Morris witnessed the birth of bebop coming from Harlem, and is himself credited with laying down some of the very first beats of rock n roll. Hearing about a little town out west called Las Vegas, Morris arrived there in 1950 and proceeded to carve out a niche for himself in the music and entertainment management worlds, ascending to accompanist to the greatest stars of all time: Judy Garland, Barbra Streisand, Bobby Darin, Frank Sinatra, Eddie Fisher and dozens of others. Achieving fame as the drummer for Louis Prima's Witnesses during a golden age in Vegas, Morris eventually became the conductor and friend of Elvis Presley.
Source: Amazon.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : various sources

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