(Click covers to enlarge)

Counting Down Elvis: His 100 Finest Songs
Duffett, Mark (2018)

Rowman & Littlefield Publ Group , USA
hardback , 294 pages , 23.5 x 16 x 2.5 cm , 0.616 kg
ISBN-10: 1-4422-4804-1 , ISBN-13: 978-1-4422-4804-5

Category: Discography
Language: English
Description: Over the course of the last six decades, Elvis Presley has sold more than a billion records; his music has touched nearly every modern listener. Despite an avalanche of books on his life, there are, surprisingly, few about his musical creativity. In Counting Down Elvis: His 100 Finest Songs, Mark Duffett urges readers to put aside the misleading stereotypes and rumor-filled debates about Elvis and listen once again to the legend who emerged from Memphis. Elvis had a unique approach to music - one that was both powerful and versatile. In a career stretching across more than twenty years, Presley changed the face of popular music, drawing together genres - from country and blues to contemporary folk - and placing a unique stamp on all of them. Counting Down Elvis: His 100 Finest Songs explores the full range of Presley recordings, from his earliest numbers to posthumous hits, combing through gold records and unpolished gems to distill the best that Presley has to offer.
Source: book back cover.
Source(s): Cover, info and description : ElvisBooks

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